Been a Paris now.
It's been a wonderful week of Parisian icecream parlours, night time wine picnics on Pont des Arts, rambles around the Latin Quarter and late night escapades with taxis. (N.B. Parisian taxis don't respond to hailing young filles, take note Jess - so we spent hours on the side of the road fruitlessly screaming/jumping up and down/gesticulating...!)
So far so good.
Work has begun and is going well, speaking lots of French, mostly kiddie French at the moment, but it's useful to start slowly immersing myself...
Today's a lazy Sunday, although it's not been so lazy, you see. It took us close to an hour to 'lug' my ridiculous amounts of 'luggage' from metro Corvisart to metro Bir Hakeim (a long way). Down six flights of stairs, to the metro, up two flights of stairs, on the metro, down two flights of stairs, along a road and up in a lift thankfully to the seventh floor of my friend's apartment...Safe to say I was not a pretty sight after that.
So there are only 3 days now until we move into our actual flat....which will be bliss when compared with the sweaty daily workout of our (currently) SDF lifestyle....!
*SDF means Sans Domicile Fixe, in other words homeless.
An "Eyeful"...
01:21: just staring out of my friend's bedroom window at the blinking Eiffel Tower (twinkly lights come on at night and it flashes at the hour).
**Photos to follow...**